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  • Writer's pictureJenny Terrell

We have another person in the house in double digits

Alex turned 10 yesterday and with a week of Brandon in the hospital this was the goal I told all the doctors I really wanted to work towards.

They really did work hard to make that happen. They called every specialist in the hospital it felt like to consult and make sure we were doing all we could to get to the bottom of what was causing the nausea that has come on so strong the past couple of weeks and help him start eating again and gaining strength.

With that, he went through a small procedure on Friday morning to move a drain (the one through his liver) an inch or two to work on relieving some of the nausea he has been feeling and see if that was the cause. All the surgeons were really hopeful. With the combo of that and the the TPN we could work fast and more aggressively to get him back on his feet and healing.

Friday started to come and go with a few kick ups along the way, we were starting to get news that the promise of going home was going to be taken away.

We got the thumbs up at 10:30pm that I could take him home which isn't a normal discharge time as you could imagine. Our neighbor came over to sit with the kids while they were sleeping and I hot-tailed it over.

Alex got the best birthday surprise, waking up and being surprised that his Dad was home. It was a lovely 10th birthday just the 4 of us with fun surprise packages showing up and a trampoline + lazer tag party in the evening with his close friends. He has really relied on his friends the past month to confide in which has been great. He has a big heart and needs those types of relationships.

Jumping and lazer tag and obstacle courses are perfect even for a (freshly) 41 year old and a 6 year old that want to get things off their minds too and really had a fun time!

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