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  • Writer's pictureJenny Terrell

Hurry up and wait!!

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we had appointment with our surgeon and dietician at Masonic over at the U. Those appointments turned in additional ct scans and getting iv fluids but went home and enjoyed the evening relaxing from a go go day.

Brandon has been dealing with a lot nausea and lack of an appetite. The past 10 days he has not been himself, gosh let’s be honest, he hasn’t been himself for over a month.

We got a call from one of the doctors around 8:30pm last night letting us know we had some alarming numbers come back from a test result from earlier in the day with Brandon‘s kidney function and I needed to get him into the ER.

They did their best to expedite our time in the ER and admitting Brandon into a room around 1:30am.

We are now back at the U of M hospital being observed and going through testing. Long story short from what we have been told for the lovely specialist (infectious disease and the kidney specialist) ...

Brandon‘s kidneys were compromised/injured by the antibiotic that he was on to help knock out the blood infection from 13 days ago. The combination of that and being dehydrated caused his kidneys function to drop off and the kidney injury. As of this morning that has really rebounded which is great from last night’s numbers. It’s crazy the test, EKG, ultrasounds, all fluids etc.

They mentioned this last procedure when they added he additional drain is going great and working the way they want it to along with his liver function.

We are watching a lot of ongoing things to keep everything Moving in the right direction.

It’s this crazy balancing act too which we are waiting to hear what to do. Pump him up with calories and protein to heal and gain weight but not too much protein or high phosphorus foods to effect his kidney and make them work too hard.

So much to keep learning about to making all the wheels turn.

He was feeling good this morning and now back to resting and feeling nauseous. I am hoping to get him up and around this afternoon And wait for the surgical team To come in and give a synopsis of everyone’s collective plan.

More soon!

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